Visitor AttractionsScience, World expo

Man and Life,
Expo 67

Montreal, Canada
Government of Canada
Surface area
Completion date

The city of Montreal inherited a rich cultural heritage from Expo 67. GSM Project created “Man and Life”, a pavilion offering visitors the possibility to take a trip inside a cell, symbolising life. This exceptional visitor experience demonstrated, without the use of words, how the brain controls the organs and the faculties of animals and humans.

GSM Project
GSM Project
GSM Project
A never-before-seen experience

Responsible for the design and production of the installations, GSM Project created an innovative and pioneering multimedia installation, housed within a pyramid-shaped building. It showcased a giant cell magnified a million times and spanning the three storeys of the pavilion.

GSM Project
GSM Project
Travelling to the heart of a human cell

The various arteries of the exhibit were orchestrated around it, including the human communication network, the nervous system, and the evolution of behaviour from childhood to adulthood. Through the use of coordinated light shows, a network of cables, wires, and light bulbs, visitors entered, like they would an illuminated cavern, the heart of a cell from their own bodies, allowing them to view the functioning of microscopic organisms through a large-scale reproduction.

GSM Project

This didactic exhibit explained, through unprecedented demonstration techniques, the instinctive responses of Man to his environment using audio-visual medium, works of art, and many models, including an enormous replica of the human brain (4.26 metres high) offering visitors a dynamic view of their own brains.

GSM Project
GSM Project


The city of Montreal inherited a rich cultural heritage from Expo 67. GSM Project created “Man and Life”, a pavilion offering a never-before-seen immersive multimedia experience taking visitors on a trip inside a human cell.